
Derived from IndividualProduct
A research instrument, a specific machine installed at a certain location, with a serial number, and trackable research impact.
Property Expected Type Required Description
Properties from ResearchInstrument
location Place or CollegeOrUniversity Required The location of the instrument, a college or university or other research institution. The place should contain sufficient details to geolocate the instrument, using either a postal address or geocoordinates.
contacts Person Recommended Research experts for that instrument, who will be added as contacts in DMR-FIRST.
facility Text Optional A facility within the college or university indicated by the attribute location.
room Text Recommended The room number within the building specified by the attribute location.
Properties from IndividualProduct
serialNumber Text Recommended The serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular product.
Properties from Product
additionalProperty PropertyValue Optional A property-value pair representing an additional characteristic of the entity.
Two types of additional Properties are supported, 'capabilities' and 'process_capabilities'. List the general capabilities in the first, and the current setup (like elements available) in the latter.
category Text  or
Required The instrument type or technique.
funding Grant Recommended A Grant that directly or indirectly provide funding or sponsorship for this research instrument. See also ownershipFundingInfo.
isRelatedTo Product  or
Optional A pointer to another related instrument, eg. instruments allowing in-vacuo transfer, or older/new versions of that instrument.
manufacturer Organization Recommended The manufacturer of the research instrument.
model Text Recommended The model or model number of the research instrument.
releaseDate Date Recommended The date the research instrument was completed and ready to be used.
Properties from Thing
description Text Recommended A description of the research instrument.
identifier PropertyValue  or
Text  or
Recommended The DOI of the instrument. Once a DOI has been issued, it is recommended to always included this to avoid any duplicate issues when looking up instruments by name.
image ImageObject  or
Recommended An image of the research instrument. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject.
name Text Required The name of the research instrument.
url URL Required URL of the instrument page at it's institution.
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json">{
  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
          "@type": "ResearchInstrument",
          "name": "MBE #1",
          "identifier": "",
          "category": "mbe",
          "image": [],
          "isRelatedTo": [{
              "@type": "IndividualProduct",
              "identifier": "",
              "name": "ARPES #1"
          "location": {
              "@type": "Place",
              "name": "The Building",
              "address": {
                  "@type": "PostalAddress",
                  "streetAddress": "17 Under a rock",
                  "addressLocality": "Someplace",
                  "addressRegion": "PA",
                  "postalCode": "12345",
                  "addressCountry": "US"
          "facility": "Facility",
          "room": "911",
          "description": "That\u0027s a description",
          "manufacturer": {
              "@type": "Organization",
              "name": "DCA"
          "additionalProperty": [
                  "@type": "PropertyValue",
                  "propertyID": "capabilities",
                  "value": "Describe the capabilities here"
          "model": "Don\u0027t know",
          "serialNumber": "# 123 456 789",
          "funding": {
              "@type": "Grant",
              "identifier": "DMR-123456789",
              "funder": {
                  "@type": "Organization",
                  "name": "National Science Foundation"
          "contacts": [{
              "@type": "Person",
              "identifier": "",
              "name": "Someone"
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.


This term uses terminology from the GoodRelations Vocabulary for E-Commerce, created by Martin Hepp. GoodRelations is a data model for sharing e-commerce data on the Web. More information about GoodRelations can be found at